Home Remedy for Chronic Cough – Bedtime Ritual

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Picture of Cristen Madelyn
Cristen Madelyn

Passionate & Certified Nutritionist

Do you find yourself tossing and turning at night, disrupted by that persistent cough that just won’t let you be? We’ve all experienced it, and the longing for a restful night’s sleep can be genuinely draining. But fear not, because there’s a simple and effective bedtime remedy for chronic cough that might just be your ticket to uninterrupted slumber.


1.) The Calcium-Magnesium Duo

Bid farewell to those annoying coughs by welcoming the dynamic duo of calcium and magnesium into your bedtime routine. These crucial minerals join forces to form a potent solution that not only addresses your persistent cough but also sets the stage for a tranquil and calm night’s sleep.

Taking a bit of Calcium-Magnesium before hitting the hay has shown promising results in curbing night-time coughing fits. The magic lies in their combined ability to relax your muscles and soothe your irritated throat, making it easier for you to drift into dreamland without any interruptions.

Supplement Recommendation: Cal-Mag Chewable

To make this bedtime remedy easily accessible, consider incorporating Cal-Mag Chewable into your nightly routine. These convenient supplements offer a tasty way to get the right dose of calcium and magnesium without the hassle of swallowing pills. Munch, doze off and do it again for a night without cough disturbances.


2.) The Muscle Relaxation Effect

Ever wondered why your cough seems to escalate just when you’re ready to call it a day? It turns out that muscle tension can play a significant role in exacerbating night-time coughing. Calcium and magnesium, our dynamic duo, come to the rescue by promoting muscle relaxation, particularly in the throat area.

By relieving muscle tension, these minerals assist in quelling that lingering cough, enabling you to ease into a more peaceful and uninterrupted sleep. If you’ve been seeking a natural method to alleviate your chronic cough symptoms, the bedtime blend of calcium and magnesium could be your hidden solution.

Supplement Recommendation: Liquid Calcium-Magnesium

For those who prefer a liquid form, consider opting for a Liquid Calcium-Magnesium supplement. This format ensures quick absorption, letting the soothing effects kick in faster and allowing you to enjoy a cough-free night of rest.


3.) Say Hello to Sweet Dreams

Imagine a night when you can finally bid adieu to that troublesome cough and embrace the tranquility of sweet dreams. The bedtime remedy of calcium and magnesium makes this dream scenario a reality. These minerals work together to create a calming environment within your body, making it easier for you to slip into a deep and restful sleep.

So, whether you’ve been battling a persistent cough for days or you simply want to enhance the quality of your sleep, consider making the bedtime remedy of calcium and magnesium a part of your nightly routine. Say goodbye to coughing and hello to sweet dreams!

Supplement Recommendation: Calcium-Magnesium Powder

If you like a tailored method, Calcium-Magnesium Powder provides the freedom to adjust the dosage according to your preferences. Mix it into your favorite bedtime beverage, and let the magic of calcium and magnesium cover the way for a peaceful night’s sleep.

In conclusion, the bedtime remedy for chronic cough using calcium and magnesium is a simple and effective solution to tackle those disruptive night-time coughing fits. Make it a nightly ritual, and you might find yourself on the path to sweeter dreams and more restful nights. So, here’s to a cough-free, peaceful sleep!


Frequently Asked Questions

Calcium and magnesium promote muscle relaxation, easing tension in the throat and soothing irritated tissues, reducing the urge to cough.

Cal-Mag Chewable, Liquid Calcium-Magnesium, and Calcium-Magnesium Powder are suggested for varied preferences.

Follow recommended dosages on the supplement packaging or consult a healthcare professional for personalized guidance.

Relief duration varies; however, the muscle relaxation effects can offer noticeable improvement over consecutive nights.

While generally safe, excess intake may lead to digestive issues; consulting a doctor before use is advisable, especially for specific health conditions.


To sum it up, using calcium and magnesium at bedtime can help stop those annoying coughs at night. Making this a routine might give you better sleep. Whether you’re dealing with a cough or just want better sleep, these supplements could help you say goodbye to coughing and hello to peaceful nights. Keep at it, and you might find yourself sleeping better without any bothersome coughs, enjoying sweeter dreams and more relaxing nights.

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